What a pleasant vacuum


I have two weeks off school! How awesome is that?! I haven’t been doing anything at all since Saturday, honestly, just a little writing (less than I had planned), a little reading (I’m currently reading Macbeth, another desperate attempt to make myself enjoy reading Shakespeare), surfing the Internet (oh, Youtube, the hours of my life you steal from me), and playing Anno 1503 – a lot. That game is seriously addictive, and the mean thing is, when I’m playing that I don’t even notice time passing. I just happily build forester’s lodges, mines and production chains for hours until I notice that the day is almost over and think, “Damn, how did that even happen?!”

And, also: honestly. This is the bloody funniest thing I have seen for at least a year.  Oh, my God. I think I must have cracked a rib or two while watching that.

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